Kingston Parks & Recreation
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Tumbling /Gymnastics - Year Long Program

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Young Female Gymnast-Hand Stand
This program includes progressive tumbling skills which will include floor routines that will also incorporate dance moves.  Children will use balance beams, trampoline, and more.   This is a fun way for children, both boys and girls  to learn and build flexibility and strength.  This is a year long program that runs from September - May, and will include a performance at the annual dance recital in May. Costumes are included. Come join the fun with dance /tumbling instructor, Miss Tracey, certified by test to teach and also a member of DMA, and DTCB.

The fee for the year is paid in two installments.
1st Installment Due - When you register
2nd Installment Due - no later than Feb. 9th. (you must register for this installment to make payment)
The yearly fee does include costumes.
Year long Fee-

What to wear
Girls-footless tights and Leotard
Boys-T shirt and sweatpants

Instructor: Tracey O’Brien

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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